教牧同工 Staffs


王守仁牧師/博士/教授自台灣大學電機系畢業後就來美國專攻神學。他從阿斯伯利神學院得道學碩士(M. Div., Asbury Theological Seminary), 從普林斯頓神學院得神學碩士(Th. M., Princeton Theological Seminary), 從愛慕理大學得專攻新約研究的哲學博士學位(Ph. D. in New Testament Studies, Emory University)。

畢業後王博士立刻被母校阿斯伯利神學院(Asbury Theological Seminary)聘為新約教授。 他在該神學院全時間服務三十多年,其中數年也任新約系主任。現在他是該神學院的榮譽新約教授。他曾被選為美國傑出教育家。目前他常是華人大型聚會的主要講員,他也是普世神學院,大學的客座教授。這些學術機構包括北京大學,清華大學等著名學校。


1. 《從新約聖經看靈恩運動》 王守仁 中台神學院出版社 1993 - Baptism in the Holy Spirit 
2. “On This Rock: A Study of Peter's Life and Ministry” by Joseph Wang and  Anne B. Crumpler
3. 《21世纪基督徒装备100课》圣经篇 (共五課)王守仁
 第8课 圣经的形成;   第9课 圣经的权威;   第10课 释经的步骤 ;  第11课 圣经的要旨 ; 第12课 圣经与基督徒 
4. Pauline Doctrine of Law by Dr. Joseph S. Wang in 1970
5. Romans in The Wesly Bible NKJ (A personal Study Bible for Holy Living) 1990 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
6. Asbury Bible Commentary – Romans By Joseph S. Wang

The Rev. Dr. Prof. Joseph Wang 
After graduation from the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan Unversity, the Reverend Dr. Prof. Joseph Wang came to the United States to pursue theological studies. He earned Master of Divinity degree,Master of Theology degree and Ph. D. degree in New Testament studies.

He served full time on the faculty of Asbury Theology Seminary for more than three decades. He served as Professor of New Testament, and for many years as Chair of the New Testament Department. He, now, is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at that seminary. He was elected Outstanding Educator of America. Now he serves as speaker of large Chinese Christian conferences, as well as guest professor in many seminaries and universities throughout the world, including Peking University, Tsinghua University and many other academic institutes.

The Reverend Professor Wang is an expert in Biblical exegesis and exposition. In his teachigs and sermons, he often explains the Biblical truths in depth on the basis of the original laguages of the Bible. He also presents relevant evidences from nartural sciences, Psychology, History, Archaeology to support the reliability of the Bible. In this way he helps Christians and seekers to dissolve Biblical difficulties and accurately understand the Biblical messages.
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